Wednesday 31 October 2012

If She Still Uses An Easy Bake Oven....

"If she still uses an easy bake oven, she is too young for you bro..."-unknown

I grew up pestering my mother in the kitchen. Mom was always a great baker and although I did have an easy bake oven, I am certain if given the choice I would have always picked the adult sized appliances, cake pans and mixing spoons. I stood on a chair for years until I was able to properly peek over the counter.

 When I was home last week to help mom get settled into her new, adorable, little home, she surprised me with three pictures of me at varying ages doing exactly as described above. They are hanging in my dining room until my kitchen is renovated and they make me smile every time I walk by.

 Happy Haunting tomorrow all!

Friday 19 October 2012

Be Careless In Your Dress...

"Be careless in your dress if you will, but be tidy in your soul."- Mark Twain

Prepare to be both shocked and awed. I, Micheline, the incompetent tech wizard, the one who can barely turn her computer on let alone manage to attach pictures to a blog post, has done something amazing...

Look at the top of this page, under the petite picture of moi. You will see a number of headings, I have somehow managed to categorize each of my posts. Recipes and such can be all found in one click as can hands on do-it-yourself projects. So much better! User friendly-ish or at least improved. That little part of me that has mild OCD is positively beaming right now! For now I will leave you with some other tidy, organization ideas I have been lusting after for a few months now. When you live in a house that has a kitchen that must have been a contractors afterthought, these look like million dollar ideas!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

I'll Bet...

"I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween."- Author Unknown

Halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays. What is there not to like about pretending you are something you are not, crisp fall air, crunchy leaves and gruesome history lessons. Last year I went to Salem and it was the best Halloween ever. Would have loved to repeat that experience this year but it is just not in the budget. I have decided on throwing a Halloween party instead. It is the perfect way to break in my middle aged home (that is approximated 62% renovated now, woo!). I am mildly nervous about decorating, I love throwing parties and I want this to be top notch. I have been hunting and stalking pinterest with a vengeance and the following pictures are a few that I have liked enough to pin! Happy haunting!

This made me laugh out loud!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Autumn Is A Second Spring

"Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower." -Albert Camus

I have a tendency to repeat myself again and again. Many people will tell me "you have already told me that!" with little to much exasperation. I must get that trait from my Nanny, she is infamous for it. I am going to risk repeating myself here by telling you all, I am sure for a second or third time, how much I love the fall.

Every season has high points but fall is when everyone starts digging out their boots and tights, hot beverages are enjoyed with enthusiasm and hearty dishes like chili or stew can be found simmering away on stove tops. I love the fall. This year, I am going to have to rake leaves. This will be a first and I am actually looking forward to it. I can decorate my house like a fool, drag out my slippers and bunker down to watch the leaves turn in my own back yard. There are so many adventures to be had! Ghost tours, hikes through the woods, corn mazes, farmers market trips and apple picking. I am going to throw a Halloween party and make my first ever batches of preserves! Happy fall everyone!

Mantel pumpkin love.

Cooper getting lost in the corn maze!

Fall fire