Thursday 13 August 2015

To Improve Is To Change..

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often"- Winston Churchill

Change can be hard. I recently transitioned to a new role at work and everyday I am faced with new experiences, challenges and expectations. It isn't always easy to get into the swing of a new job when things are so vastly different to what you are used to and to what would be your comfort zone. The change has been good and I have learned a tremendous amount about myself and about my career path. I encourage everyone to mix it up every few years whether it is with a career change or even something as simple as a different hair cut or colour of paint on your walls. It often takes change to realise what you like, what you are good at and it usually takes change to continue life long learning.

I have lived in my house for over three years and the fireplace has been one of the only things I have been hesitant of changing. It is a focal point in my living room, it's original to the house and consists of a white, pre mid-century style mantle with simple scroll work and boxy sides. It has bronze brushed black brick and it really is quite lovely.  A couple of years ago I elected to paint the inside turquoise as I felt the black that was originally there was a little black hole and didn't allow me to showcase my little stove or my lanterns, it just kind of sucked everything into it's darkness. Black to turquoise was a big change and I loved it! But for some reason painting the brick white, although it has been on my mind from the get-go, was too big of a change. I feared I would regret it and that it would take away from the character and charm that my little middle aged home naturally possessed.

Fast forward to last week. For some reason I got up the nerve to crack open the can of "wedding white" semi gloss paint I had painted the trim and mantel in originally. I grabbed a brush and just spontaneously "went for it", mildly regretting it the second I started. Turns out, brick is a real b*tch to paint. The seams and creases were so deep I eventually had to revert to using a small paint brush to get into all the cracks and crevices. It took three times longer than I anticipated but boy did it ever look lovely when I stood back to inspect my handy work. The room magically seemed to open up and even appeared a little larger. Yay! I was however, faced with a predicament. My mirror was dark brown and stood out like a sore thumb. Not being emotionally attached to the mirror  (I have have had it since my very first apartment on my own), I bombed off to the shopping centre checking out my favourite haunts for a nautical, light coloured mirror to suit my needs and the room. I was in no luck. Everything was heavy and dark or far beyond the meagre budget I had set for myself. I did however pick up some great, brightly coloured throw pillows for half off, which turned out to be a great pick me up and room brightener. I also picked up two miniature lampshades to update the hideous sconces that frame the fireplace. When I got home the mirror was still irking me so I went to the basement and pulled out a small sample jar of paint that had been deeply discounted at a hardware store because it was, you guessed it, a mis-tint. It just so happened to be mint green and I very sloppily slapped it on the mirror. I didn't hate it, I put it up lengthwise (why hadn't I done this before?!) and turns out I had just what I was looking for all along and all it cost was a foam brush and one dollar. If that isn't thrifty, I don't know what is! I then decided to paint the interior of my front door with the rest of the green paint on a whim. Guess what? It is great! Change is a good thing my friends. See some poor before (it was so spontaneous I forgot to take pictures!) and some of the finished project below! Happy changing all!

Before...sorry for the poor quality!


The brick was awful to paint...

Awful little sconce shades before..

Door before...well started!

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